Trivia / Entertainment

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Solutions/Steps in Solving


    is a natural gas and id naturally replenished over time. This means if we can do something to balance the natural production with its depletion, there should not be a problem. Unfortunately, it does not quiet work like that.

    The only way to do that is to remove the excess chlorine and bromine from the stratosphere. And the only way to do that is stop making CFCs and several other chemicals.

    This is not enough, but at least it was a good starting point. It is always best to talk and discuss problems than to do nothing at all.

    many governments have very strict laws that helps minimize water pollution. These laws are usually directed to industries, hospitals, schools and market areas on how to dispose, treat and manage sewage.

    There are also lots of organizations and groups that help educate people on the dangers of water pollution. It is always great to join these groups, because they regularly encourage other members of their communities to have a better attitude towards water.

    sometimes, we are overwhelmed by the extend of damage humans have caused, and we are not sure if an individual can make any impact.
    Due to the extend and nature of forest destruction, efforts to stop deforestation and preserve forests are best achieved at government and organizations levels. This means that laws, rules and regulations from countries can help to enforce the preservation of forests. laws on farming, timber and wood, as well as land use must be encouraged and enforced.
    - Make conscious effort to share information with others (friends at school and family members) on deforestation and the affects of it. Some of your friends may laugh at you and say it is silly to think that you can solve problems like this. But that is ok, things work better when responsible people don't give up. Stand up for what you believe in.
    - Reduce the use of artificial items, recycle more and re-use items. Wood, paper, plastics and many other things we use everyday at home can be linked to natural resources being destroyed. This means that if we all recycle more, there will be less dependence and governments will import less raw-materials from the forest regions of the world.

    The fun way to remember the most important points in forest preservation called TRESS which means ..

    -Teach others about the important of the environment and how they can help save rainforests.
    -Restore damaged ecosystems by planting tree on land where forests have been cut down.
    -Encourage people to live in a way that doesn't hurt the environment.
    -Establish parks to protect rainforests and wildlife.
    -Support companies that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment.
